Onnuri vision

What is Acts 29?
Acts 29 was a vision ever since Onnuri church founded.

Onnuri church had founded with vision of acts church, now Acts 29 is embodied and new vision. Acts29 means that the book of Acts Chapter 29 is not finished but will continue to be written.

If there is any records of churches after book of Acts 28 in this generation, it is our dream that Onnuri`s history through God can be the one that will be written on chapter 29.

Vision of the four axes

Acts 29 vision subdivided into four kinds is including Vision church,
CGNTV satellite TV, vision village mission training center, social participation.

  • Vision church

    • not to expand force, but support local church
    • To share personnel and resources with local and overseas churches through cooperation, and metric teamwork.
    • To share pastoral softwear between different denominational and inter-denominational.


    • 9 equator onto the world via satellite and unifying Vision Village Missions Training Center
    • Gospel and good information on the Internet and satellites to ensure that the preemption.
    • To broadcast each in English, and local language in main regional time. denominational.

  • Vision village mission training center

    • Missionary Training Academy serves as a missionary with an emphasis
    • The place to relax and recharge for sabbatical years
    • Role as a trainer to upgrade laity with dedication and silence

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