Acts 29 Ministry

Acts 29 Ministry is a large-scale collaborative ministry of mobilizing overseas vision churches to achieve the Acts 29 vision. It is composed of the Vision Churches Coordinating Committee, Love Sonata (to spread the gospel and bring revival in Japan), and CMN (a large-scale medical missions group).

Onnuri Church has run towards the Acts 29 vision, dreaming of an Acts-like church.

The Acts 29 vision dreams of raising 2,000 missionaries and 10,000 lay leaders.

  • Vision churches Committee

    A vision church is an Onnuri Church planted overseas.

  • Medical Missions CMN

    Onnuri Church’s CMN (Christian Medical Network) Group is doing missions through medicine and service work.

  • Love Sonata

    Love Sonata is a “cultural missions rally” for evangelization in Japan.

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