Related Ministries

  • Discipleship Ministry

    Discipleship Ministry is in charge of teaching and training church members.

  • Worship Ministry

    Worship Ministry is in charge of worship services on Sunday. They use singing, instruments, broadcasting equipment, and prayer for excellent worship.

  • Family Ministry

    Family Ministry helps church members have healthy and happy families.

  • Healing Ministry

    Healing Ministry helps suffering church members become healed and restored.

  • Mercy Ministry

    Mercy Ministry is a ministry that shares God’s merciful mind and hands.

  • Women’s Ministry

    Women’s Ministry supports women with the purpose of women’s restoration.

  • Evangelism Ministry

    Evangelism Ministry allows individuals and churches work together to evangelize and allow lost souls to encounter Jesus.

  • JDS: Jesus Discipleship School

    For about 25 weeks, from February to October, this ministry trains up disciples among laypeople in campuses within Korea.

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